Summer Camp Week 6: Arts & Crafts
This week we dove into the wide world of art and crafts. The children studied famous artists’ work, as well as learned about many techniques. Giving children the chance to use their hands to manipulate art materials not only gives them a creative outlet. It also makes connections in their brain to the world around them.
From paint, to clay, to cutting, to even the simplest drawing, there are so many ways that the hand connects to the brain. Dr. Montessori believed that “to confer the gift of drawing, we must create an eye that sees, a hand that obeys, a soul that feels; and in this task the whole life must cooperate.” Those hands that are learning to knit, may one day be hands that are sewing stitches. The child using a ruler to draw geometric designs, may one day be an architect. The possibilities and opportunities for the children go far beyond just arts and crafts.