Bus Service
MLMS provides bus service to Front Royal, Winchester and Stephens City. Bus stops and schedules may be modified each year, depending on the needs of our families using our bus service.
MLMS will make the listed stops only when specific arrangements have been made with Rose DiNinno. If you have registered for bus service and not made arrangements to have your child picked up or dropped off at a specific stop, please contact Rose DiNinno.
The buses are equipped with seat belts, and we require their use at all times. Appropriate safe behavior by students is expected on the bus. Unsafe or inappropriate behavior can result in suspension of bus privileges for a student. In such case, families will need to provide their own transportation for children.
7:15 a.m. - Bus departs from Winchester Rehabilitation Center (Old Hospital) 333 Cork Street
7:35 a.m. - Bus departs from Dinosaur Land
8:00 a.m. - Bus arrives at MLMS
3:25 p.m. - Bus departs MLMS
3:45 p.m. - Bus arrives at Dinosaur Land
4:05 - Bus arrives at Winchester Rehabilitation Center (Old Hospital)