
Order your school uniforms from Land’s End. The Preferred School Number is 900101627.


Our parents are an integral part of the success of the Mountain Laurel Montessori community. Parents and teachers together form a team that lovingly supports the development of each child. This partnership is important and is kept strong through open and clear communications. Parents are welcomed in the classrooms for observations and to take part in activities such as baking or leading a special project.  Our parents keep us humming along by the significant amount of volunteer hours they donate. It is our children who benefit from this partnership.

Please consider sharing your talents, interests, and experience by volunteering today.

Please email your volunteer hours to Please use the subject line "Volunteer Hours" for your email.

Community Resources

Samuels Library
Located just minutes from our school, Samuels Public Library is a valuable resource to our school. The mission of the library is to bring people, information, and ideas together to enrich lives and build community.

Blandy Experimental Farm
Inquiry-based education is at the heart of Blandy’s preK-12 programs, where students are actively engaged in hands-on explorations and research-driven field investigations. The programs align with Virginia & National Science Standards as well as with other subjects.