Rose DiNinno <br>
Business Manager
Rose DiNinno
Business Manager

Rose DiNinno was born in Sommerset, PA. Before working at Mountain Laurel, she worked on accounting and taxes for Sullivan and Company. She, and husband Bryan, have one son, named James, and a cat named Saphire. When James was little, Rose told her mother-in-law that she wished there was a Montessori school in town. Low and behold, her friend pointed her towards Mountain Laurel. Jimi started school here at age three, and went all the way through the Farm School (Middle School). In June of 1997 she interviewed for the position of office manager at Mountain Laurel and was thrilled to get the job! Rose was also a Cub Scout leader for Jimi. She loves to bake, knit, crochet, and is attempting quilting.

Mountain Laurel Montessori School